My kids will love this freebie! National Geographic is offering an 80 page “Big Book of Fun” filled with games and puzzles for free when you fill out the form complete with UPC code #’s from Popsicle, Skippy or Suave Kids Products.
Offer expires 9/30/10 or while supplies last. Limit of one per household. Expect 4 weeks for it to arrive.
Go HERE to get your form. Scroll to the last page to get your form!
Here are some UPC codes if you don't have any of these products around your house.
Suave Kids Body Wash (079400604965)
Suave Kids Hair Care (079400753007)
Skippy Peanut Butter (048001006416)
Popscicle (077567020963)
Thanks to Savvy Spending for this one!
That would be really great article. thanks for all sharing great info here.