Well, it's that time of year again already! How can it really be time to find that perfect Christmas Card?
I love sending Christmas Cards to my dearest family and friends. The last few years I have sent out cards with a photo of my 4 cute kids on the front! I use to think the hard part of this process was actually getting 4 kids to smile and look at me while I take the photo for the card! Now, I think it might actually be picking out the card design!
I will be using Shutterfly this year for my
Christmas Cards! They have hundreds of super cute designs. You can pick out a card design that allows for just one photo or go with one that is a collage of all your favorite photos.

I love this design, since I am crazy about snowflakes! It is called
Starlight Snowflakes!
This one is really cute too! It is called
Goody Garland!GO HERE to get started!
I have used Shutterfly before for regular 4x6 photos and the quality is excellent and the prices are great too!
Looking for a unique gift for someone special this Christmas? Shutterfly also does
Photo Calendars! These make great gifts for grandparents. I did some last year and everyone loved them!
Have a birthday coming up in your family? Shutterfly does
Birthday Invitations too!
Are you a blogger who needs some super cute Christmas Cards? Shutterfly is offering 50 Free Photo Holiday Cards for free if you write a post on your blog promoting their great photo products this year for Christmas!
GO HERE to get more info and sign up!
Well, now it is time for me to head on over to the Shutterfly site and make up my mind on what card I am sending to family and friends this year! I hope you do the same! :)
I am receiving 50 free Photo Holiday cards from Shutterfly in exchange for this post. I did not receive any money and my thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.